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Parents getting involved in pupils' learning

Parents involved in learning

Starting this week, we will be uploading weekly photographs on our school website of the pupils doing their weekly activities. This is in response to our parents' survey where you have asked to be made aware of what the children are doing. You have also requested that you would like to get involved with the themes that your child is working on.

We have taken this on board and next week your child will given a creative project. This is designed to be a fun and exciting activity that they can work on at home with you. This will be something that will be done over 6 weeks and handed in before the end of term. We will be rewarding pupils with house points for completing these projects and are very much looking forward to seeing what they complete. More details will come out next week with the class teacher. Please have some fun with your child in completing the activity and help them gain house points.

We have given you this length of time to enable families with more than one child to spend quality time with each pupil in designing and making these projects. Again, we will share photographs of everything that is made on the school website, when they are handed in.

Many thanks
