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    Thu 16 Jul 2020


    This has just come through and I think it is of use to you all, in case your child falls ill over the summer. It is specifically for September but I think it is relevant to us all now.

    Under no circumstances should you send your child to school if they:

    · feel unwell, have any of the three identified COVID-19 symptoms (a new continuous cough, a high temperature or loss of taste or smell) or they have tested positive to COVID-19 in the past 14 days.

    · live in a household with someone who has symptoms of COVID-19 or has tested positive to COVID-19 in the past 14 days.

    If your child becomes unwell or needs to self-isolate, please report this to us 24/7 by calling 0300 333 2222 or by emailing who will notify the school on your behalf.

    For information on how to apply for a test for yourself or someone in your household with symptoms including children under 5s please visit the Welsh Government website

    If you or your child feels unwell and need medical advice, please telephone NHS 111 for advice or visit their website or telephone your GP.

  • Return to school September

    Thu 16 Jul 2020

    Dear Parents,

    We are almost at the end of the school year. As headteachers we will continually receive updates all over the summer holidays on the situation regarding the virus. We hope that our plans for returning in September will be as we have published, however we all have to be mindful that at any time we could be forced to close again if there is a further outbreak. Staff are currently training up on being able to deliver live lessons online to groups of pupils. This will allow your child to access lessons from the teacher or LSA through a phone, tablet or any other device. We have provided computers to those who have requested them. Please encourage your child to use these to complete their work online. There are also learning grids available on the school website for the summer for all year groups. In the pupils section as normal. These do not require computer access.

    Please send your child to school with a packed lunch, drink and a snack until we inform you otherwise. There will be no facility early in September for us to provide meals or snacks for pupils. Also until further notice we will not be able to allow parents on school premises.

  • September return to school

    Wed 15 Jul 2020
    Return to school INFORMATION
    •	INSET DAYS 1st and 2nd September , closed to pupils.
    •	Thursday 3rd and Monday 7th September pupils in all classes who have  a surname starting with the letters ‘A-M’
    •	Friday 4th September and Tuesday 8th September pupils in all classes who have a surname starting with the letters ‘N-Z’
           Start and finish times as below depending on which class they are in.
    •	From Wednesday 9th  September all pupils return 
    Nursery am and all day pupils, Y3 and Y6
    Start: 8.50am  (morning nursery 11am finish) Finish 2.50pm   (nursery afternoon pupils start 1pm)
    Y1, Y4 and Y5
    Start: 9.00am     Finish 3pm
    Reception and Y2
    Start: 9.15am     Finish 3.10pm
    If public health Wales guidance changes over the summer we will update you on changes as soon as we can.
    If you have children in more than one group then you arrive at the slot for the oldest child and finish at the slot for the oldest child. e.gif you have  a child in nursery, Y2 and Y5 you will arrive at 9am and finish at 3pm

    Fri 10 Jul 2020


    Dear Parent/Carer,

    Yesterday, Kirsty Williams, Minister for Education announced that schools will re-open for all learners in September. To ensure clarity, I wanted to share as much information as I can with you, regarding the arrangements that we will need to put in place in readiness for September.

    The past few months have been challenging and many of our learners have been anxious about a loss of learning and not being able to see their friends. I therefore welcome the Education Minister’s plan which will enable us to prepare for the safe reopening of schools in September.

    • Planning and preparation days will take place at the start of term to enable staff to review our risk assessments, processes and associated systems to ensure schools can welcome pupils and staff back safely.

    • During the first week some specific groups of learners may need to be prioritised, such as those who have not attended this term, Year 7, 10 and 11 for Secondary and Early Years and Year 6 in the Primary sector.

    • From the second week of term, we will maximise the number of learners in attendance leading to a full return on the 14th of September when school attendance will be compulsory.

      Further guidance will be issued by the Welsh Government early next week, and it is expected that this will be continuously updated as the situation evolves. Each school will have local challenges to address, including the availability of staffing. This and other specific areas such as school transport, catering, cleaning, etc. will be worked through in detail over the next few weeks.

      It is our understanding that there will be no requirement to provide childcare for critical workers when schools re-open in September.

      Given the current extraordinary circumstances, I am aware that many hard-working staff in schools, learners and their families may be under additional emotional, financial and psychological pressure. The Local Authority will continue to work to ensure the best support package is offered to ensure the ongoing wellbeing needs of all learners and individuals are met at this time.

      As our plans evolve further, supportive information will also be provided through the Local Authority website and social media channels.

      Your school will keep you updated with their specific arrangements for the start of the Autumn term.

      I would like to thank you for the co-operation and dedication you have provided over these difficult few months and I know that working together, we will ensure the Autumn term return to school will be successful.

      Your sincerely,

      Gareth Morgans


    Fri 10 Jul 2020

    We will be in a position by the end of next week to tell you what will be happening in September. Just to be clear school timings will go back to normal. However we will gradually move from 7 in a class as is now to a full class over 2 weeks.

    All pupils will not be in during the first week. Thank you for your patience and understanding. We are looking forward to seeing all our pupils back in school.

  • Parents of Y6 Pupils

    Thu 09 Jul 2020



    We understand that this year has not been kind for our pupils but it is has been particularly unfair for our Y6 pupils who should have had their final goodbyes while in school. To try and make up for this challenging situation we would like to give them a goodbye gift of a 'Leavers' T-Shirt'. We have ordered these and they will be available for collection next Thursday. Timings will be available later next week. This is a goodbye and good luck from all staff, governors and pupils at Maes Y Morfa School. We hope this goes some way to cheering them up at this difficult time.

  • New nursery starters

    Wed 01 Jul 2020
    The new nursery children who should have started in April or who are due to start in September will receive a letter in the post next week. We are inviting them in for a 1 hour taster session. This will be in small groups of 4 or 5 on Friday 17th July. You will be given a time slot. You will receive a time slot.
    If you have not received a letter by next Friday please let us know. 
    Thank you