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  • Update on school return Tuesday 23rd February

    Fri 12 Feb 2021

    Dear Parent/Guardian


    I am sure you are all frustrated at the lack of clarity on the situation returning to school. Can I reassure you that we are all feeling the same. We really want the children back at school as it is not only important for them developmentally but also socially and academically. However we are sure that you understand that staff and governors must be confident that we can do this safely.


    As we have not as yet received up to date guidance on how the Welsh Government would like us to do this safely, we have worked on plans, which best support our individual school situation and our level of staffing. Please remember that any shortage in staffing reduces the provision we can offer and we must think safety first. As well as foundation phase pupils returning to school, it is also expected that we provide a hub for key worker pupils and online learning continues for KS2 pupils. Please note if your child is a foundation phase pupil and has a full time place in the hub they will attend school full time from Tuesday 23rd February. They must continue to receive a full time place.


    As there will be a very important update from Welsh Government on 19th February we ask for your patience as we need time to digest and plan for further changes. To this end school will not start for pupils until Tuesday 23rd February. Individual school plans will differ as their school size and staffing levels are different. We aim to bring full time nursery pupils in at the same time as reception pupils, as they are used to school and are much more independent. Part- time nursery,new starters and those who should have started full time, will not return until all other pupils are confident with the new systems that are in place and can support the new starters. By this time we hope that our staff who support with intimate care, (for our 3 year olds) will have received the vaccination.  In the meantime, Bethania Chapel will continue to provide weekly nursery work packs with activities for you to do at home. As well as KS2 packs.


    Pupils will arrive and leave school at separate times. It is important that you arrive with your child at their time, not before or later. It is more important than ever that you wear a face mask and leave promptly once you have dropped off your child. The new strain of the virus is more potent and is more likely passed through close adult contact. Hub pupils will continue to arrive at 8.50am and leave at 2.50pm but will be collected by the hub leader from the rear car park entrance of school. You will also need to collect your child from this entrance at the end of the day. Unfortunately, you will not be able to park in the car park for insurance reasons, so if you are driving in, please park on the street and walk in around the barrier. The door will be locked at 9am and 3pm with no admittance after these times. We have to be strict with timings. Late arrival does not mean you can turn up at the main gate because there are other groups arriving at various times.


    All pupils will have had a taster of the new arrangements in school, by Friday 26th February as Welsh Government have stated. All fulltime nursery, reception , Y1 and Y2 pupils will return together on Monday 1st March but remain on staggered timings. All pupils will need a packed lunch and a snack for at least the first week.


    Tues 23rd Feb           Full time Nursery and Reception surnames A – M.      9am -3pm

                                       Y1      surnames A - M                                                        9.15am -3.15pm

                                       Y2      surnames A- M                                                         8.45am – 2.45pm


    Wed 24th Feb            Full time Nursery and Reception surnames N-Z.         9am -3pm

                                       Y1      surnames N-Z                                                            9.15am -3.15pm

                                       Y2      surnamesNL-Z                                                            8.45am – 2.45pm


    Thurs 25th Feb          Full time Nursery and Reception surnames A-M         9am -3pm

                                       Y1      surnames A-M                                                          9.15am -3.15pm

                                       Y2      surnames A-M                                                          8.45am – 2.45pm


    Friday 26th Feb           Full time Nursery and Reception surnames N-Z         9am -3pm

                                       Y1      surnames N-Z                                                            9.15am -3.15pm

                                       Y2      surnames N-Z                                                             8.45am – 2.45pm

    If you have any questions or concerns please contact us via:

    Have a wonderful half term .


    Mrs L Jones Headteacher

  • Return to school 22nd February

    Sun 07 Feb 2021

    Dear Parent/Carer


    The Education Minister Kirsty Williams has confirmed that Foundation Phase primary children can return to school for face-to-face learning after February half-term. Coronavirus cases are continuing to fall across Wales which allows us to start planning for the return to school in a phased and flexible way, starting after February 22 with children in Reception, Y1 and Y2. Nursery pupils will return at a later date, when it is safe and less confusing to do so.


    Please be assured that the safety of both pupils and staff is our main priority, and we will be reviewing the health and safety measures we have in place and any additional measures that may be needed.


    It will take some time before all pupils return to school for face-to-face learning and as a result, schools will continue to make on-site provision available for vulnerable children and children of critical workers after the half-term break. KS2 pupils will continue their learning online and those KS2 pupils who currently have places in the hub will remain in the hub. Foundation phase pupils who are currently in the hub will return to their normal classes on the days that they are booked in the hub.


    It is extremely important that we all continue to follow the guidance around hand-washing, social distancing and face coverings. Please remind your children and please continue to wear face coverings when dropping off and collecting your children, and please do not gather at the school gates and keep your distance from others – we cannot reiterate how important this is to reduce transmission within our communities.


    It is also important to remember that a return to school is not a return to normal life, and children should not be mixing outside of the classroom environment. Please do not visit others houses, arrange sleepovers or parties. Anything where groups of adults and children are mixing. Schools will be kept under constant review taking into consideration the latest number of cases, the R number and the number of patients in hospital. An increase in transmission rates could result in schools closing again.


    Please remember if you or your child or anyone else living in your household has any of the Covid-19 symptoms, you must immediately self-isolate and get tested. It is also important that you inform your school if your child tests positive. For all the latest information on schools including a comprehensive list of FAQs please visit our website .


    We would like to thank you once again for your all your co-operation and support during this time.  We will be in touch later this week with the organisation of how the return to school for Reception, Y1 and Y2 pupils will be organised.


    Many thanks

