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  • 'How To' Guides to Accessing online lessons

    Wed 23 Sep 2020

    Dear parents, in case your child's class has to isolate or we are forced to go into lockdown again, we have all been training up on providing lessons online. Pupils and staff have been practising this style of teaching and learning and we have prepared some information to support you with understanding how to use it.

    There will be a letter coming out at the end of this week from your child's class teacher. If you have several children you will have several letters. Please sign the return slip to tell us you are happy for your child to be taught online. Y3- Y6 are using flipgrid and Teams , Nursery - Y2 are using flipgrid. The letter gives you instructions about using the programs to access the lessons and for further support please follow the link where our experts will help you. Our pupils have recorded some videos to tell you how to do it.

    Please follow this link and be prepared to be amazed!!!!! Well done guys.

    If you only have one device per family don't worry we have discussed timings of daily lessons with all your children's class teachers so they don't happen at the same time. Flipgrid can be done on your phone , no need for any other type of device.

    Any problems please let us know.


    Thu 10 Sep 2020

    Gofynner am / Please ask for:

    Fy nghyf / My ref: Llinell Uniongyrchol / Direct Line:

    Dyddiad / Date:

    10/09/2020 E-bost / E-mail:

    Dear Parent/Carer,

    I hope your children are settling back into school after a very disruptive few months due to the coronavirus pandemic.

    I would again like to thank you for the continued support and co-operation you have shown during this difficult time, and for everything you have done to assist your child’s learning, your child’s school and the county council.

    Considerable work has been carried out by Headteachers and their staff in schools in order to reduce the potential transmission of coronavirus, and to minimise any risk to pupils and staff, including risk assessments, guidance and training as well as increased cleaning and regular handwashing, social distancing and grouping learners.

    It is important to remember that coronavirus has not gone away, and we all have a responsibility to keep ourselves and others safe.

    The arrangements that have been put in place by schools are of vital importance and I cannot stress strongly enough how very important it is that we all adhere to these measures.

    In particular I would like to remind parents to please follow the arrangements for social distancing when dropping off and collecting your children from school.

    With all pupils returning next week, it is vital that parents keep their distance to avoid close contact and potential transmission of the virus.

    I would ask you to please:

    • Arrive promptly in your designated time slot.

    • Stand 2m from other families.

    • Leave promptly and move away from the school gates as soon as you have dropped off your child.

    • Please do not congregate outside the school gates as this is making it difficult for other families arriving at staggered times.

    Please can I also remind you of the arrangements if your child is unwell. Under no circumstances should you send your child to school if they:

    • have any of the three identified COVID-19 symptoms (a new continuous cough, a high temperature or loss of taste or smell) or they have tested positive to COVID-19 in the past 14 days.

    • live in a household with someone who has symptoms of COVID-19 or has tested positive to COVID-19 in the past 14 days.

    If your child becomes unwell outside of school hours with any of the COVID-19 symptoms or needs to self-isolate, please report this to us by calling Delta Wellbeing on 0300 333 2222 or by emailing who will notify the school on your behalf.

    Please only contact Delta Wellbeing out of hours if your child has COVID-19 symptoms. During school hours and for all other health-related issues please inform your school directly. This line is specific for Carmarthenshire, whereas NHS is nationwide. Please use the above information.

    Many thanks for your co-operation, it is important we work together to contain the virus and to avoid a spike in our community and the potential re-introduction of lockdown measures.

    Yours sincerely

    Gareth Morgans

    Director for Education and Children Services

  • Breakfast Club

    Wed 09 Sep 2020

    Breakfast club will start again on Monday 14th September with slight changes. Pupils must be dropped off between 8.20am and 8.30am. No access after 8.30am . The children will be seated in the hall at a designated table for their class physically distanced from the other groups. One member of staff will be responsible for that table at all times.

    At the end of the club pupils will be taken to their classroom by this member of staff and dropped off. This will happen before the other children start arriving.

    Pupils will have a grab bag as breakfast which includes toast, a pastry of some sort and a drink. Food is prepared by the kitchen staff wearing PPE and bagged in special food sacks for freshness. This allows supervisors to be available for one class instead of serving from the hatch. It is essential to remain in a bubble. Any questions please contact us. Thank you

  • Home School Agreement Document

    Wed 09 Sep 2020

    Please read the home school agreement document that is coming home with your child. We are happy to help with understanding of any of it. It is designed to keep everyone safe.

    By signing it you are confirming that you are observing the safety rules and guidance , that your child will also observe the guidance and sets out our commitment as a school. It also states that you will ensure that your child has access to a device that allows them to complete online work. If you do not have access to a device then please tell us. If we go into lockdown pupils will be taught by staff through an online program every day. If you do not have this facility we need to know.

    We have already supplied those that requested them in March with a device. Email if you do not have one. If there is more than one child in the household we will ensure that lessons are delivered at different times for each child.

  • Please don't overfill lunchboxes

    Wed 09 Sep 2020

    It is wonderful to see everybody in today enjoying activities, despite the new rules. They are amazing kids. The school is back to life!!!!!!

    A polite request from us everybody. Please don't send so much food in your child's lunch box. Today at least half of nursery and reception took the whole 50 mins to eat and were not able to go out to play. We want them to have fresh air and enjoy the outdoors but we have had some tears when we ask them to close their lunch box as it is time to go out. We all want happy children, so can we work together on this please.

    Putting your child's name on the lunch box helps us greatly as well as separating the snack into a different bag.

    Thanks all

  • Kitchen update

    Wed 09 Sep 2020

    I am delighted to let you know that the kitchen will be serving hot food from Monday 14th September. All pupils except nursery and reception will remain in the classrooms and receive the food on hot trolleys. Nursery and Reception will use the hall, to allow them to eat comfortably at a table. One server to 2 classes to ensure food remains hot and as lunches are staggered we can manage this personalised service.


    The lunch supervisor will take the food from the class doorway and give it to the children. As you know classrooms are cleaned thoroughly after eating. There will not be as much choice for deserts, due to the amount of physical space on the trolley. They will leave their class to go out to play as they are now. If you have any questions please email or call. Thank you

  • School pick up and drop off

    Tue 08 Sep 2020

    Dear Parents, really important information for tomorrow: As the whole school is coming in we do appreciate that there will be too much traffic at the main entrance of school. We are going to operate 3 queues. As there are a maximum of 3 classes coming in at each time slot. PLEASE ONLY ARRIVE IN YOUR TIME SLOT. IF YOU ARE EARLY YOU WILL NEED TO REMAIN IN YOUR CAR OR CLEAR OF THE MAIN ENTRANCE. A member of staff will ask for the year group and guide you where to line up. 2 metres apart please in the queue.

    As soon as your child is collected by a member of staff please leave through the main gate , using the route that is coned for you. There are coloured cones to help. We hope this system helps with the amount of people that are arriving at the gates. However it will not work without your co-operation. PLEASE DO NOT REMAIN OUTSIDE OR INSIDE THE SCHOOL GATE WHEN YOU HAVE DROPPED OFF YOUR CHILD AND PLEASE BE RESPECTFUL OF SOCIAL DISTANCING WHEN YOU ENTER THE PREMISES AND WHEN YOU LEAVE. Sadly, we are still unable to allow parents access to the playgrounds or the main building. If you are unclear about this arrangement please give us a call today or email us on We would appreciate you letting your friends and family know that this post is available.

    Thank you for your understanding, together we will make it work!
