Dear Parents,
As we get closer to the Christmas break, we urge you to remember your pick up and collection times outside school. A lot of parents are turning up at any time and this is not helping keep groups separated. We all want to be safe and well over the Christmas period , including school staff, without the need for isolation. Please respect the time that your child should arrive and collect them at the correct time. REMEMBER YOU BRING THEM IN AT THE TIME OF YOUR OLDEST CHILD IF YOU HAVE MORE THAN ONE CHILD. Wear your masks and stay 2 metres apart. Once you have collected or dropped off, please move away from the school gates. Help us all enjoy our Christmas please. Below is a reminder of the timings.
Nursery am and all day pupils, Y3 and Y6
Start: 8.50am (morning nursery 11am finish) Finish 2.50pm (nursery afternoon pupils start 1pm)
Y1, Y4 and Y5
Start: 9.00am Finish 3pm
Reception and Y2
Start: 9.15am Finish 3.10pm