One Page Profiles.
Here at Maes Y Morfa all pupils have a One Page Profile. We continually update these throughout the year and value the contribution family and friends make to them in all of the 3 sections: what we like and admire, what is important to and how best to support your child.
We are sending home a blank copy for you to complete. Your contribution will be added to the ones we have in school. Please return by Monday October 2nd adding as much information as possible.
You are very welcome to ask for a copy of your child's one page profile at any time. It is your responsibility to ask for this as we will only provide a copy once a year.
For your information we will send the One Page Profiles home at the end of the academic year.
Many Thanks
Mrs Risley ALNCO
Attendance Very important.
Attendance letters will be sent home to inform you of any concerns with your child's absence.
Any children with 80% or less will have a letter stating their percentage attendance.
This percentage is an indicator of where your child's attendance is.
If you have good reason with proof, i.e holiday, illness or appointments, then this is taken in account. You will still have a low attendance, but you know why. 10 days holiday will be authorised providing that the attendance is not under 80%,
After 10 days no holidays will be authorised other than in exceptional circumstances.
All holiday requests must be made in writing, forms are in the school reception.
If you think that your child's attendance is wrong, please call in to see me and we can adjust our records accordingly providing you have proof of absence.
This is just the first half term; you will have plenty of time to raise your child's attendance for the end of the school year.
Many Thanks for your cooperation.
Mrs Sharpe
House points are updated weekly.
Class | Llewellyn | Owain | Dwynwen | Gwenllian |
Total |
| 2297 | 2682 | 2244 |
At the end of each term e.g Autumn, Spring and Summer the pupils in the winning house will choose a reward.
This years team winners are Team Gwenllian
Our School Values
These are the behaviours your child is encourage to demonstrate to achieve the school values. They are linked to the 4 key purposes for the new curriculum. These purposes are designed to support children to be Healthy and Confident, Ambitious and Capable, Enterprising and Creative as well as Ethical and Informed. They all have character names to help the children remember them.
For helpful information on drugs and children's health in general please go to this website.
For important information on child protection and e-safety please follow these links:
UNCRC (United Nations Convention for the Rights of a Child)
If you are concerned about any child, in the first instance please speak to us at school. During holidays please contact social services on: 01554 742142. Out of hours: 0300 333 2222
They will advise you what will happen next. If you have urgent concerns then please contact the police.
Rebecca Copp is currently the lead Safeguarding Officer for Carmarthenshire. These are her details:
If you would like support for your child in dealing with bereavement please contact:
The Samaritans on : 07880 594100