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Who's Who


The Senior Leadership Team

Ms L Jones - Headteacher, Pennaeth.

Mr R Gravell -  Deputy Headteacher/Dirprwy Bennaeth.

Head of Teaching and Learning, New Curriculum Leader.

Mrs R Risley - ALNCO/Cydlynnydd Anghenion Addysgu.

Mrs C Morgan - Foundation Phase Leader/Arweinydd Cyfnod Sylfaen.

Expressive Arts and Humanities Leader.

Mrs J Sharpe - School Business Manager, Rheolwr Busnes Yr Ysgol.



Miss J Barclay -  Read, Write, Inc Manager

Mr. G Lewis - Mathematics and Technology Leader

Mrs. T Harris - Language, Literacy and Communication Leader

Mrs. H Mason - Welsh Co-ordinator, NQT and Student Mentor

Mrs. A Murphy - Reception Class Teacher/Athrawes Dosbarth Derbyn


Mrs. T Hall, HLTA. Leader of Health and Wellbeing, pupil and family counselling support.

Mrs Skye Heneker - School Counsellor (Mon)

Mrs K Smith - Nursery Class Lead

Mrs J Morgan - Emotional Literacy Support 



Miss C Miller, Miss L Davies, Miss A Rogers, Miss S Bowen, Mrs J Kelleher, Miss T Evans Support Assistants/Cynorthwywr Cyfnod Sylfaen 


PPA cover

Mr S Rickman (Qualified Teaching Status) - Support Assistant/Cynorthwyydd 

Mr J Jones (Qualified Teaching Status) - Support Assistant/Cynorthwyydd 


Mr. P Conlon, Caretaker/Gofalwr.


Mrs. T Kozalski-Evans Cook/Cogyddes.

Miss B Williams, Mrs L Radacanu, Miss C Kozalski, Mrs D Jenkins


Lunchtime Supervisors/Cynorthwywr Cinio -

Mrs J Kelleher

Mrs J Morgan

Miss C Miller

Mrs T Hall

Miss B Williams

Miss A Rogers

Mr J Jones

Mr S Rickman

Mr P Conlon
