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Ms L Jones Headteacher

From the Headteacher, Ms Louise Jones:

I am delighted and privileged to be the headteacher of Maes Y Morfa school and wish to warmly welcome you to our school.  We have a very supportive community and governors, who work closely with the school. We are a dynamic and supportive team. The pupils and their wellbeing are at the heart of everything we do particularly in these challenging times. The pandemic has been difficult for us all, but we are all working together as a strong team to support and guide our pupils to catch up on what they have missed.


With the introduction of the new curriculum for Wales , we are doing this in a fun and exciting way.  Your child will be very happy here and learn many different skills. We are always willing to listen to suggestions, and welcome our parents and other stakeholders to complete our online questionnaires as well attending our open information evenings. We prefer to use less paper and use the money saved to buy resources for our pupils. Consequently, the majority of our information and communications are done on our facebook page : 'Maes Y Morfa Friends and Family', as well as on the 'Our School APP'. We also regularly update the website. If you require paper copies of any of the information we send out because you do not have digital access, please let us know.  We look forward to meeting you.

From the pupils:
Croeso...Welcome...from all our pupils and all the staff in Ysgol Maes Y Morfa Primary School. This school is great and if you need help with any of your work or you're finding it difficult the teachers will support you. They will always help you out with anything that you find hard. Come and meet our Values characters, we worked with Ms Jones our Headteacher and our class teachers to make up the values which  help us with understanding how to respect, understand and support each other and ourselves. We all  have ladders that we climb up( not real ladders ).  They are awesome!!!! When we get to the top it's reward time. We do move down though when we make the wrong choices .  We get post cards home for being amazing as well as vouchers to spend or attending end of term trips with Ms Jones for free !!! if we get loads of the values before a school holiday. 


 After school clubs are brilliant and we have lots of fun.  Don't do a level 3 behaviour or you will have to go to Mr Gravell or even worse Ms Jones..........   BELIEVE, ACHIEVE, SUCCEED is our school motto and that is what we do. On Friday in reward assembly we show how we achieved all week. The song 'Eye of The Tiger' plays as we come in and we all feel really proud and excited about what we have done. Our prizes and postcards are for keeping up with our work, trying hard , being creative and  independent , being in school  and to aim for the best we can be.!!!! 

We have an outside court for the older children to play football , basketball and netball. Student council and Criw Cymraeg have helped us raise money for playground equipment and outdoor shelters, things we can climb on and use, playground games painted on the yards, scooters and sheds. We want a swimming pool next and to use wood and stuff to build dens in our woodland area with our  Forest Schools teacher!!!!!!!  The year 6's have made a rota to keep us all safe when we play.  We have our Areas of Learning where we work on a small task with the teacher , the rest of the class work on missions in the other areas. There are 6 all together and we chose the colours. All the work we do is amazing and this is the right school to put your son\daughter in, to get a great education. We have the TIA zone  to support us in how we feel and to support us with making the right choices. This means 'Turn it Around' student council named it because if you attend the groups you can turn your behaviour or your feelings around. If you are upset you can go to the TIA zone and  calm down. You can also go to in the ELSA room if you need to see someone on your own because you are really, really worried. Everyone will help you, don't worry.....


Don't worry if you forget your breakfast because we have lots to spare. So please come to this school it is the right place to be, it is absolutely fantastic. We love will you...diolch yn fawr...

Some of our pupils use these words to describe the school: 

 Happy, friendly, welcoming

 Caring, supportive, nurturing Sharing,
 Creative, motivating, loving, rewarding
 Inspiring, understanding, supportive
 Exciting, fun, happy
 Fun, happy, safe
Please come and join our school you will love it !!!!
