We hope this message finds you all fit and well. As you are all aware we are not back at school tomorrow. We do appreciate that a lot of work set before Easter will now have been completed. This week teachers will be adding to work on hwb as well as providing learning grids with activities on , that you can access simply access through a phone on the school website. The learning grids are designed for those pupils who do not have access to laptops or IPADS to work from. This week, class teachers will be contacting pupils from Y1-Y6 by telephone ensuring that you have your hwb log ins and passwords so you can access a new range of lessons and activities online. In the meantime here is an excellent link with daily lessons in all subjects : https//www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/znbnscw Please note if you have any concerns that are not educationally related then teaching staff will pass your details on to our welfare team who will contact you about it and we will do everything we can to help. Watch out for the 'how to ' video which will go though how to access hwb for anyone who would like some help. Thank you all, you are doing an amazing job. Kids look after your parents.