Dear Parents
I am sure you have all been watching the news and reading comments on social media. We want to give you important information as soon as possible regarding the Spring term. Please note this is current information and this could change before the new term starts. Please be assured we will let you know of any changes.
Return to school Jan 2021
Breakfast club will not be running as it is now, as we need to stop mixing pupils from different year groups being in the same room together. Instead we will provide the grab bag service that we had previously, which will be served in class when your child arrives at their designated times.
Start and finish times as below depending on which class they are in.
Nursery am and all day pupils, Y3 and Y6
Start: 8.50am (morning nursery 11am finish) Finish 2.50pm (nursery afternoon pupils start 1pm and finish at 2.50pm)
Reception and Y2
Start: 9.00am Finish 3pm
Y1, Y4 and Y5
Start: 9.15am Finish 3.15pm
If you have children in more than one group then you arrive at the slot for the oldest child and finish at the slot for the oldest child. E.g a child in nursery, Y2 and Y5 you will arrive at 9.15am and finish at 3.15pm. Please be on time, you will not be able to enter at another time slot.
We will inform you should this happen. Those pupils who attended the hub previously, will be able to attend the hub again, but parents should use all other options of childcare where possible.