Parents' Evenings 23rd and 24th April 3.30pm -5.30pm
Based on Feedback from the last set of Parents' meetings we are using a pre-booked system to allocate times. Your child will be given a letter with your allocated time on. We will due our best with timings as a result of knowing your circumstances e.g if you are working, have other children in different classes throughout the school. However if you cannot make the appointment given to you , please come in and arrange a different time and date with the class teacher. Please understand that it is only possible to re-arrange appointments in exceptional circumstances e.g unable to re-arrange shifts at work. If you would like to see Mrs Evans or Mrs Powell you can drop in between 3.30pm and 5.00pm on Monday 23rd only. They will not be available both evenings. If you would like to speak with either of them at an alternative time then please speak to them directly and they will arrange this with you.