We are asking for your support with school attendance at the moment. We have to report our figures to Welsh government again following COVID, as there is no longer any requirement to isolate unless you have symptoms.
If your child is ill, please could we ask, that if giving them some medicine at lunch and in the morning allows them to attend, that they attend school.
So much education has been missed due to the pandemic that we need your help to ensure these pupils leave primary school literate and numerate. Currently attendance for Reception and Y3 is dramatically lower than average for Wales, under 80%. For all other classes we are not achieving over 88% every week. Primary schools are expected to have an attendance level of at least 94%.
As previously, we will require medical evidence for any appointments or sickness and explanations for lateness, as this too brings attendance levels down.
These are exciting times where we are able to be really creative with our curriculum as you can see by some of the animals in school this week. Please ensure your child experiences this by being in school. These are memories that they will cherish forever and time they will not get back.
Many thanks