Dear parents,
The new Estyn Inspection Framework for schools is very clear with regards to expectations on schools regarding healthy eating. We just wanted to let you know that although we have been encouraging our pupils to bring in healthy snacks , not all pupils are doing so. We would like to give you plenty of notice before September where our new policy comes into effect:
Pupils will be permitted to bring in water bottles that contain water or sugar free squash.
Any fruit, cereal bar, cracker or cheese based biscuit or yoghurt (or any other healthy product).
If your child brings in anything that is not considered a healthy snack e.g sweets, chocolate bars or crisps then we will ask them to return them to their bags to take home. These snacks will not provided in school either.
Please understand this is a government initiative and we hope to have your support with this. If you have difficulty with providing any of the healthy food that we have listed please speak to us as soon as possible.
Many thanks