Dear parents, in case your child's class has to isolate or we are forced to go into lockdown again, we have all been training up on providing lessons online. Pupils and staff have been practising this style of teaching and learning and we have prepared some information to support you with understanding how to use it.
There will be a letter coming out at the end of this week from your child's class teacher. If you have several children you will have several letters. Please sign the return slip to tell us you are happy for your child to be taught online. Y3- Y6 are using flipgrid and Teams , Nursery - Y2 are using flipgrid. The letter gives you instructions about using the programs to access the lessons and for further support please follow the link where our experts will help you. Our pupils have recorded some videos to tell you how to do it.
Please follow this link and be prepared to be amazed!!!!! Well done guys.
If you only have one device per family don't worry we have discussed timings of daily lessons with all your children's class teachers so they don't happen at the same time. Flipgrid can be done on your phone , no need for any other type of device.
Any problems please let us know.