• INSET DAYS 1st and 2nd September , closed to pupils.
• Thursday 3rd and Monday 7th September pupils in all classes who have a surname starting with the letters ‘A-M’
• Friday 4th September and Tuesday 8th September pupils in all classes who have a surname starting with the letters ‘N-Z’
Start and finish times as below depending on which class they are in.
• From Wednesday 9th September all pupils return
Nursery am and all day pupils, Y3 and Y6
Start: 8.50am (morning nursery 11am finish) Finish 2.50pm (nursery afternoon pupils start 1pm)
Y1, Y4 and Y5
Start: 9.00am Finish 3pm
Reception and Y2
Start: 9.15am Finish 3.10pm
If you have children in more than one group then you arrive at the slot for the oldest child and finish at the slot for the oldest child. e.gif you have a child in nursery, Y2 and Y5 you will arrive at 9am and finish at 3pm
- Pupils will be in their own classrooms with their own teachers. Breaktime and lunch time they will only be able to play with the pupils in their classes. A member of staff will be allocated to that class at break and lunch time for supervision. Lunch times and break times are staggered so that pupils cannot mix.
- We will provide all stationery and equipment until further notice. Please do not send pens, pencils, phones, toys, cards anything except books in to school with your child.
- Pupils will need to enter school through the main gates and they will be escorted by a member of staff to their classroom. This will continue for some time. Parents are not permitted to enter school through the main gates without an appointment. Please adhere to the timings as they are designed to keep the number of people outside the gates to a safe level.
- Until further notice all food and snacks will be eaten in the classroom and must be provided by parents. We do not have a kitchen facility open straight away. We will update on this. Your child’s packed lunch will need to be in a lunch box so that It can be stored in a sanitised shelving unit outside the classroom. We cannot store food in the cloakrooms anymore as they are too close to the toilets.
- Your child can keep their water bottle in their bag and collect it to drink when they want it.
- The school hall will not be in use for the immediate future.
- School will continue to be specialised cleaned until further notice. Desktops and surfaces as well as door handles will continue to be sterilised throughout the day especially after food has been consumed. Pupils will be asked to wash their hands thoroughly up to 6 times a day.
- All equipment will be cleaned after use.
Clubs and Breakfast club
- We are awaiting further guidance on indoor sporting activities, after school and breakfast clubs. As soon as we have this information we will let you know. You will be given details of your child’s PE day after we all settle back in to school. However this may not be able to take place in bad weather due to restrictions of the school hall.
- Similarly, running clubs where pupils from separate classes are mixing together is not an option at present. This is the problem with breakfast club. I have requested a system where pupils are given brown bags with their breakfast inside and they eat in particular classrooms. This is yet to be decided.
Please understand this is all new to everyone. We will do what we can to ensure that your child is safe. That is our priority. If you can’t get through to us on the school number 01554 772945, please email us on