We are so excited about welcoming all our nursery children back on Thursday 4th and Friday 5th March this week. You should all have received letters which give you details of the timings that your child is in. For these 2 days only, please could you line up on the left hand side near the Y2 playground while reception pupils are entering on the right hand side near the Y1 playground. Parents you can line up with your child until a member of staff asks you to move on but please use the cones as a space marker so you remain 2 metres from each other. As we take the pupils in , parents will automatically move up the line. Please be careful as you leave not to get close to other parents leaving.
From Monday 8th March we will change the timings of nursery and reception to allow them all to use the same entrance in. However for some children it is their first time in the building so we want to make it as easy as possible for them.
If you were expecting your child to start on Thursday and have not received a letter please contact the main office on : 01554 772945 or email: admin@maesymorfa.ysgolccc.cymru.