If your child is coming back to school , during the week starting 29th June a member of staff will telephone you next week and tell you which group your child is in. They will be the group leader for those few weeks. They will give you days and times that your child is due to come in to school and leave school. These timings are very important. Please remember if you miss your time slot in the morning we cannot admit you. If you miss your collection time , then you will have to return at 4.30pm to collect your child when everyone has left. Thank you for your understanding and please answer the phone to NO CALLER ID or CALLER UNKNOWN next week. If you have not heard anything by Thursday and you expecting your child to return , please email us on admin@maesymorfa.ysgolccc.cymru. This will mean we haven't been able to get hold of you. Timings for groups will also be published on our social media pages and website. Pupils who have been attending the hub will be contacted separately as they are in a separate group. Nursery pupils will be offered a later start so that do not have too long a session. Thank you for your continued support.