Return to school INFORMATION • INSET DAYS 1st and 2nd September , closed to pupils. • Thursday 3rd and Monday 7th September pupils in all classes who have a surname starting with the letters ‘A-M’ • Friday 4th September and Tuesday 8th September pupils in all classes who have a surname starting with the letters ‘N-Z’ Start and finish times as below depending on which class they are in. • From Wednesday 9th September all pupils return Nursery am and all day pupils, Y3 and Y6 Start: 8.50am (morning nursery 11am finish) Finish 2.50pm (nursery afternoon pupils start 1pm) Y1, Y4 and Y5 Start: 9.00am Finish 3pm Reception and Y2 Start: 9.15am Finish 3.10pm If public health Wales guidance changes over the summer we will update you on changes as soon as we can. If you have children in more than one group then you arrive at the slot for the oldest child and finish at the slot for the oldest child. e.gif you have a child in nursery, Y2 and Y5 you will arrive at 9am and finish at 3pm